Why You Should Avoid DIY Yellow Jacket Treatments

Woman enjoying her outdoor living area with her corgi.

In early to mid-July of every year, we begin to see yellow jackets start to make their appearance outside. This is when homeowners realize they have a yellow jacket nest in their ground, in the tree, on their home, or worst-case scenario…inside their walls. Here at Eco Serve Pest, we receive many calls every year of homeowners who have tried everything but finally succumbed to their endless attempts to rid their homes of stinging insects. While we are all for a good DIY, here are a few top reasons why DIY for yellow jackets is not only dangerous but can come with a heftier price tag than simply hiring a professional, such as yours truly!

Yellow Jackets sting

The power of one yellow jacket is quite substantial. They have the awful ability to sting multiple times and will do so to defend their nest. This is why professionals always wear proper protective bee equipment on every job, no matter the size. One yellow jacket alone can be the cause of a dozen stings.

They live in large colonies

In any given colony, yellow jackets can establish upwards of 1,000 or more hornets. Attempting to treat and/or remove a nest will no doubt irritate these yellow jackets and they will come after whoever is near. In addition to the workers inside the nest coming out, there are also yellow jackets coming back from foraging for food and water. These hornets will also attack. Running away does not mean you will outrun them, especially if they get into your pant legs, under your shirt, etc. Many people have gone inside or jumped in a car to realize a half dozen made it in too.

They cause irritating bites

People react on a vastly different scale to yellow jacket stings. However, most people will have some type of reaction and the area of the bite typically takes several days to heal. Some will feel pain and swelling, others will itch like crazy. Trying to take care of a yellow jacket nest DIY style is like playing with fire and sends over ½ million people to the ER every single year.

Aerosol cans stain siding

Be aware that the aerosol cans that can be purchased over the counter will often times stain siding. We always recommend avoiding these products on vinyl siding as it can be costly to replace or repair. If you can see yellow jackets coming and going from a hole in your house, this is what we call an entry point to their nest. This nest is in the wall, attic, or basement somewhere that most of the time you can’t readily see. As the nest grows and grows over the season, yellow jackets can chew through the drywall and actually “breakthrough” into the home.  If you have ever had this happen to you or know someone who has, you will never forget it, and probably will always be calling a professional in because most people never want to experience that again.

Quick Tip: it is never recommended to spray an entry point with any type of aerosol or liquid product. Most of these products have a repellent property and can push the yellow jackets into the home.

Contact Your Local Pest Control Exterminators

Hiring a pest professional for your yellow jacket problems can keep you and your entire family safe from the sting and from the additional costs associated with DIY’s gone bad.  For a free quote on your yellow jacket issue, give us a call at [phone-number]. Most of the time we offer same-day emergency service and can always be out within a day or two.

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